So, it's time to make a go of it. Sure, I keep saying that, but I'm really trying to get this thing called artist happening. Problem is, I don't have a muse, persay. And I can't ask my friends to keep me propped up. They have their lives, and they do the stuff that they want. And that's what it's supposeed to be like. That's what's really supposed to happen. Meanwhile I'm still here, trying to figure out if what I'm doing is for me, or for other people. Guess the meds aren't working as well as I'd thought when real dissapointment comes creeping up. But the point is, I've got to get this freaking artist thing going. I've been given many very nice comments, and I may actually have made a sale from Sakura Con 2006. Though they haven't purchased anything yet. And of course I have to remember that Japanese people don't want photos of Japan so much. Still, I guess it's good to be home, it was good a couple days ago, and it may be good again sometime next week. So, who's complaining? Not me. Not actually...
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