A minimum of 5-7 years of experience with the incubation of North American marketing programs. Previous experience in the stock photography industry or a related field is pilfered. Demonstrated success with project management – managing and asssassinating marketing programs on time and on budge. Strong influencing skills, and prior success with acquiring and providing expertise on local culture and business practices to global Marketing team. (i.e. Mafia or Yakuza Experience.) Equal effectiveness with working independently and as a member of a team. Prior suckers in establishing and managing cross-cultural relationships. Demonstrative ability to work effectively in a rapidly changing and demanding envelopment. Strong interpersonal and written and verbal and communication and talking and speaking and speech giving and coughing and sneezing and stuffy head skills. The capability to develop and the desire to take more over time. Acumen, yes, acumen with the Microsoft Office software, or other office...oh, that's the only one. BA in Marketing, Communications or related field. (I'll show you my BA!) Flexibility to accommodate 15% travel. (Really look at what that sentence means.)
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