Folks keep asking me about culture shock. They assume that I had completely forgotten what life was like in The America. Well, they weren't completely wrong. The most dominant of these was driving... well, actually it was being the passenger. I've had a terrible time being a passenger. Now, to my credit, both my mother and my brother had a few wiggy moments on the roads recently, which didn't help matters. But that doesn't explain the continuing paranoidism. ;)
... don't mean they're not after you ...
I'm just jumpy right now I guess. I'm hoping to get over it. One thing though was that I was "the driver" most of the time before I left for Japan. Now that I'm back, I don't have a car of my own. Which leads to the second semi-culture shock. DAMN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IS SLOW IN SEATTLE!!! I used it to get from Sea-Tac to Everett. TOOK 4 HOURS!!! That's the same time it takes to get from Osaka to Tokyo. And Japanese think that's a very long way! Me too quite frankly. So, as a result, my urge to be a carless American is disintigrating very qiuckly.
... get your motor runnin' ...
Then, I guess the normal set of things people would assume are affecting me. Talking to people that I don't know, cuz they understand what I'm saying. Trying to order food in a fast food joint. Also, digestion (which I'll refrain from describing) is an issue.
... kill your television ...
Lastly there's TiVo. My brother got it for my parents for Xmas. Now I had been uploading TV shows while in Japan. But TiVo is actually pretty cool. Nuff said. I guess there's a lot more that I'll be discoverring in the next few months. But things are too frantic right now to piece everything together.
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