That's the Umeda Sky Building in the background. And that little device I'm holding is a transformer. We were seeing if our link to our secret Kamen Base was working. Unfortunately it wasn't, or I'd have a picture of us in our Giant Robot Gear. Mine's pretty cool, it's all Chromed out. Jay likes his Flat Black. Anyway, we'll try again... Actually we're English Teachers in Japan. But we'd rather be Photographers, or Giant Kamen Robot Pilots.
But you *are* a giant kamen robot, to me anyway. ::groan!:: ;)
BK: AWWWWWW that's so cute... Thanks sweets.
DS: Yup. Yup. Gottalotta stories. I'm not much the writer, I usually have to tell them, so you may not see many here...
Thanks ladiez! :)
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