Monday, August 15, 2005

Blog Bug

I'm kinda getting into this flogging thing. I've been surfing other peoples flogs, and some of them are stupid and such, but that's because they don't talk about something I'm interested in. So that's my fault.

So, now I'm thinking I'll start finding folks who have similar interests, and attach them to me here. I found this one lady Ms Bees Knees. She's pretty cool, and she has a filthy mouth, and pretty eyes. I love that combination.

Anyway, I guess I'll try to write stuff here from now on. If you want to check out stuff I'm proud of, check out Robert's Photography Portfolio...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A filthy mouth and purrrty eyes! Thanks love! I *just* noticed this post. Jeez, you're full of all kinds of surprises!