Thursday, September 29, 2005

Eternal Coy Eternal

Wen't to Himeji Castle for the third time during my stay here in Japan. I have to say, of the 10 or so castles I've seen, Himeji-jo is the best. They also have a garden tour that you can take first, which is a great walk as well. I've got about 40 good pictures I'm going to upload to the JaR Imagery site sooner or later... hopefully sooner. The coy that I saw there were amazing as well. I decided to write a Haiku too.

Coy are pretty cool.
Coy are pretty and neeto.
Coy are white and red.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Grace's Acres in Hood River, Oregon

This is Grace's Acres. Grace Tebbs was my Grandmother. Shortest in the family, but the only one who played basketball. Go figgure... My Ma and Pa (since they're farmers now) built a place on the property, and started up the orchard again. I love this place. Up the hill from Hood River. It's a beautiful place in all seasons.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

The Butterfly Metaphor

Not that I believe it or anything, but I swear to you I've seen nearly a hundred butterflies in the last two weeks. I think it's actually an issue of biology and the cycle of insects.
There are almost no mosquitoes this season also.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Wood or Slater

So, as I continue to join the world of the Net, I discover new little things about myself. Now, of course everyone hates to hear themselves on audio. I do too. I got a microphone for my computer, and I used it to send a voice message to my parents, and, upon listening to it, I had a strange question pop into my little brain-pan. What I can't decide is who I sound like. I'm debating between Christian Slater (not doing a Jack impression), or Elija Wood if he were six feet tall. What do those of you who've heard me think? And I think I do this wierd nasal thing sometimes. Do you guys notice that? This is what blog's are for, right?

Friday, September 16, 2005

Amanohashidate and Japan Sea

Please visit my photography website for more images.


Quite a mouthful. I realized that since I'm wrapping things up here, I had a few things still on my list. Unlike the bike incident, the Japan Sea turns out to be a wonderful place. Had I planned on staying longer, I would definitely make it one of my work places. Amanohashidate is one of those tourist towns that has but two major features. And they're beautiful. I went there over the weekend. It's views are great. The sky there was magnificent.

... grab your ankles and look behind you ...

The main point of Amanohashidate is to see the "Bridge in Heaven." The bay has a long beachfront that stretches from one side of the bay to the other. And upon each hill there's a lookout. As you can see in the pictures, people go up to these lookouts, bend over and look between their legs. And, if you look long enough, they say you can see the bridge to heaven. I personally think it's the blood rushing to your brain that makes it work, but that's me. See if you can see it yourself. I saw a couple making a wish. And though I didn't get the picture, there were these cute ladies that laughed and laughed after they tried it. Quite a sight to see four grannies trying to bend over... yeah, just too funny to type about...

... if you have the spare $50 check it out ...

From Kyoto it's only a three hour train ride to see it. Unfortunately on the way back they put you in an unairconditioned diesel train. So I was a bit sick when I returned. But the blue sky, ahhhh, what a day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

... Oh Yeah, and Remember to Get in a Bike Accident Before You Leave Japan ...

... and sometimes there are things to blog about ...

Well, after 4 years having only two bike accidents is pretty good. (knock on cherrywood) First, I'm okay, thanks for asking. The accident wasn't as serious for me as it was for the bike, poor guy. If my Mom hadn't bought me a bike helmet I know I would have been worse off.

... okay, $100 sounds fair ...

So, here's the short version. I'm riding around Umeda, the main part of Northern Osaka, and there's way too many people (as usual) so I decide to take a side street, then take another short cut, then switch on to the taxi turnaround. I'm trucking along, and I round this corner, and there's an Executive Taxi in my path. Now I DO manage to stop, though I couldn't get them to understand that later, but it doesn't matter. But the taxi driver isn't as good as I am at these sudden situations, so he crunches into my bike HARD! I go into, what I've termed "spidey mode" where I spawl out, and try to keep some semblance of balance while the front bike tire twists underneath the front of the car. My first thought is, "oops, you dumb shfit you were being all cool, and it bit you in the assphalt as usual." But the second thought was, "if you give this freakin taxi driver even a hint that you think it was your fault, he's going to walk all over you, and anyway, he wasn't even paying attention, stupid idiot." So I began to swear. The kind of swearing that I've learned from the Aussies and Kiwis that I've met over the years. Of course in the back of my mind I'm a little sad that I have to be mean to this taxi driver. But then I remember that he's an Osaka Taxi Driver, the lowest filth in the transportation industry. And this guy is an Executive Osaka Taxi Driver, which means that he's complete bottom feeder material. And as soon as he steps out of the car, I can tell, he's going to try to make it my fault. But the adrenaline has already been routed to the correct part of the brain, so I'm good. So, I point at the bike, speak in nasty fast English, and tell him whatfor about how he could have stopped if he had been paying attention. Which IS true, the guy wasn't even paying attention to where he was going, just zipping along his fancy taxi and all.

... "can you call the police? you know, police? BANG BANG" ...

I love that moment. So, he goes running off thinking that he's going to get extra time to tell the police what an idiot I am. And I know that the police don't like taxi drivers. I figure this guy must have forgotten, or he thought that I was some green foreighner who would crumple under the polices gaze. But what he doesn't know is that I'm a veteran of dealing with Japanese authority figures, and public servants. So I let him run off to do his thing, and have a smoke. Meanwhile, I call the "education planning section" of my company for some translation advice. I explain the situation by the time the cops finally arrive. Two of them come, one, a well kept young woman, wearing a flak-jacket, and the other a clean-cut beat cop who doesn't eat too many doughnuts, and probably keeps his weight down playing with his two cute kids. I'm the winner. Anyway, after that it's just waiting for the right moment to suggest a price. I know that the taxi driver will try to get out of trouble, so I talk about damage costs, and he suggests that he can pay me right now, and I say that I can go to the bike shop (less than 5 minutes walk away, great service) and get it fixed there no problem. I've got nothing broken, and refuse an ambulance, show them my tiny little scratch. And they buy it, hook, line $100.

... what a great way to begin the ending ...

So I go to the bike shop, drop off the bike, head over to the Outback for dinner, have a Chicken Ceasar Salad and a Coke, go back, pay $50 for the new wheel (a beautiful new Shimano wheel, I might say), and head home. Yep, today was a great day! Oh, and I got some great pictures of Osaka Castle to boot. Yep, great! I love Japan.

... I'm gunna miss this place ...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Must Focus

Recently a friend put up some brilliant Black and White photos that she took. And I was reminded of two things.

1) This blog is supposed to be more of a photo blog, so people will go
look at my actual photo site. I got caught up with the whole blogging, and
commenting on the situation back home. But I came to Japan to get away
from all the politics and hubbub.


2) I still haven't made a penny more from photography, and the whole goal
is to make money with these images. Yes, I won't be compromising my art to
make money. I don't even think I know how, so there's no point in doing
anything that I don't like.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Great Northwest

Now that I've decided to head home, I can't wait. I knew I should have waited to make this decision. Not like it would have been any different. It would just have forstalled my daydreaming about seeing all my pals again. This may not be the best time to return... But the Nortwest is my home, and only by leaving something, can we truily gain an appreciation of it. I think...

Very few people treat art as a system of communication which is historically linked with language. If more people were to take this view they would find that their approach to art would change.

- Edward T. Hall

I remember.

Female Ninjas might wear pink lipstic, but they're still ninjas!

In Japan, female 'assassins' look to slay old political guard

''Koizumi is sending out assassins who don't look scary in the beginning because they are women," said Koki Kobayashi, one of the ousted LDP legislators. Now a member of a small conservative party, Kobayashi is facing a showdown with Koike, who is also Koizumi's environmental minister and speaks fluent English and Arabic. Kobayashi said running against Koike was ''a frightening concept."

Take the Bad with the Good...

Everyone is so focussed on the problem(s) in the US. Let's add some perspective... Did about 30 minutes of surfing to find this information... Snap out of it... and stop watching the TV news for all your information. The net's a "free" source of information.

Belfast wakes up to devastating scene
10.52AM, Sun Sep 11 2005
The city of Belfast is waking up to scenes reminiscent of the worst of the troubles after a night of rioting and skirmishes with police...

Kids vaccine plan 'to save millions'
1.47PM, Fri Sep 9 2005
Amassive immunisation drive to save the lives of 10 million of the world's poorest children is being announced in Manchester...

Guantanamo hunger strike continues
11.58PM, Fri Sep 9 2005
least one British-based man is among up to 200 detainees at Guantanamo Bay who
are in their fifth week of a hunger strike...

Israel declares end to Gaza rule; pullout imminent
Sun Sep 11, 2005
6:59 AM ET
Israel declared an end to its military rule in Gaza on Sunday,
clearing the way to complete its pullout and turn the territory over to the
Palestinians on Monday after 38 years of occupation...

India's struggle with encephalitis
BBC News - Sep 9, 2005
outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has
claimed the lives of nearly 700 children, according to official figures. Aid
agencies say the real toll could be closer to 1,500...

New Polls Find Bush ... Share[s] Blame for Katrina Response
September 2005
["Pres."] George Bush [Jr.] and public officials at all
levels of government are getting low marks from the American people for their
response to Hurricane Katrina. In a series of new polls this week, confidence in
the president's leadership fell to 41 and 48 percent, while his overall approval
rating sank as low as 40 percent, the lowest of his presidency...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

"...Sheep Dog, Standing in the Rain..."

These are my friends S** & M**'s puppies, they're so cute. I shot a few pictures with them while I was at their house back in May. They're such funny little models. So cute. So then I spliced them together and such... I think I'm going to do the same thing this winter with my parents farm. I like the idea of using this for a post card.
"It's all too much for me to take, the love that's shining all around you..."
Guess what I'm listening too. Anyway, I was inspired to use these two cuties, since I got a note recently that M** was actually reading my blog. That's so nice. Thanks sweets. (^_^)
"All together now..."

Better Red than Dead: Musings of a redheaded liberal

Better Red than Dead: Musings of a redheaded liberal

Found another great person to swing by and see. Though she has used pink as her main color. ;) But her blog is smart, and she's got some great opinions about how life SHOULD be... check it.

Plus, she hooked me up with the COOLEST Terror Level Marker!!!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Go Chi So Sama Deshita

So, this is it, the party will soon be over...
I'm going to go get my hat and jacket, and make for the door. Yes, after 4 years, I'm heading home. This year was a bit rough, and it took me a while to figure out what the plan is. Initially I was going to make sure I had the job before I returned, but that's harder than it seems, being in a completely different time zone and such. I'm going to head back to Seattle, and spend the month with family and friends.
Then, watch out world!!!
It's been a great life experience being over here. Maybe someday I'll talk about what life is like as an illiterate mute. Or tell you about how I got a Yakuza guy's pinky cut off. Maybe I'll tell about Manchester Girl, or the one that got away. We'll see... Ten weeks. eek. I gotta go to Karaoke at least once more, and have that last Sushi Feed. Gotta take the new camera up to Kiyomizu-dera, the second best place in Japan... Yep, lots to do...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Just in case someone wants to come over.

Blue Sky

Well, you get what you wish for. Today was a beautiful day, and the sky was about as blue as a city sky could get. We had the butt end of a Typhoon sweep the sky clean yesterday. And though I usually have today off, I didn't today. Though I have a 4 day holiday next week. I'm planning on heading over to the
"Japan Sea"
(China isn't really pleased about the name) I've been to Fuji, and been to Tokyo, Hokkaido and such, so the only place left on my list is the Japan Sea. The staff told me about a place called Amanohashidate. No, not Amonia-hochi-date, Ahh-man-oh-haush-ee-dah-tay. Sheesh, can't you read? ;) Anyway, gotta do some research to see if it's worth it.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Jay and Rob

That's the Umeda Sky Building in the background. And that little device I'm holding is a transformer. We were seeing if our link to our secret Kamen Base was working. Unfortunately it wasn't, or I'd have a picture of us in our Giant Robot Gear. Mine's pretty cool, it's all Chromed out. Jay likes his Flat Black. Anyway, we'll try again... Actually we're English Teachers in Japan. But we'd rather be Photographers, or Giant Kamen Robot Pilots.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Flaming Box of Stuff

WHAT: Flaming Box of Stuff at Seattle Sketchfest

WHEN: Thursday, September 8th @ 8pm; September 17th @ 10pm

WHERE: Capitol Hill Arts Center (CHAC), 1621 12th Ave

Flaming Box of Stuff was formed in the fall of 2002 when a collection of veteran Seattle comedy writers and performers decided to make the type of comedy that they wanted to see. What they created became one of the most talked-about underground comedy shows of 2003. A show that incorporated elements from film noir, character based sketch and dark humor. In April 2004, Flaming Box embarked for the American Frontier, exploring the absurd, twisted ideology of the Wild West. Their third show promises to be another strange trip down dark alleys...

Half and Half

May 20 - June 20
This is a good day for meditation, or for spiritual studies of some kind, dear Gemini. Your intuition should be operating at a very high level and thus it is going to be easier for you to tune into the thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires of others, particularly the opposite sex. You might even experience psychic insights or visions that shed light on some questions you've been asking yourself for a while. Write down your thoughts. You'll want to remember them.

Okay then,
Assume all Japanese women between 20 and 40 have a boyfriend, and if you get any psychic readings from any of them, remember their simp boyfriends will be buying them something expensive for x-holiday, so you got no chance. But then, there's no reason to be upset about it, there's not going to be any more dating in Japan.

So there.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

High Dive Mastah!

This little guy's contemplating his next rad move from the high branch that hangs out over the pond that's near the top of the hill in Arashiyama. This guy's Mom wasn't too happy when he and his little buddies started getting radical off the high-branch, so she posted herself there for a while. Jeeeeeezzzz Moooommmm!!!! ;)

A great day in Japan

Had a great day today.

Started by riding my bike to Denney's, and had ham and eggs. Then rode my bike down by the river, and checked out some kids fishing. Rode around some more, hit way too many red lights. After a good ride along the river, zipped into a 7/11 for a ice-cream and a Fanta. Then rode some more, and finished up at KFC for dinner.

Yep, nice day to be in Japan.